Technical Support Monkey’s dad

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The Zamo the Destroyer Show #221

Zamo still hasn’t managed to build a styrofoam ark to escape the rains, but on the upside, it was Technical Support Monkey’s hatchday this week and Iggy got to do some snooping in her nightstand bottom drawer… which has batteries for some strange reason.

In other news, the Iguanid University of the Jungle is getting snippy about that post-doctoral thesis Zamo was supposed to hand into them ages ago.

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #205

Technical Support Monkey’s squirrel infestation continues, yet she and her dad still refuse to pay Zamo the low, low price of $600 to have Zamo’s frog slave Hoppy catch and remove the squirrel.

Chimpette is even so petty as to complain about how the price would have only been $500 two weeks ago, but she clearly has no understanding of how overhead such as Zamo’s administrative fees impact pricing.

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