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The Zamo the Destroyer Show #199

It’s been a quiet week for Zamo back at Georgie’s house with Ig’s TV privileges once again suspended… or it was until Iggy crashed one of the Zoom meetings Pierre has been having for his “government cheese job” and demands the premier give Zamo a million bucks… or at least publicly condemns Georgie’s unjust TV rules.


The Zamo the Destroyer Show #197

It’s been a while, but between Zamo’s mom’s incessant phone calls and the need to ensure Technical Support Monkey has a worthwhile New Year’s resolution (i.e., doing Iggy’s bidding more), Zamo figured it was time to start the show again.

In the meantime, there’s been lots of incidents of having to shun Technical Support Monkey for lying and for allowing/inciting her neighbours to remove the big maple tree Iggy used for spying on Chimpette. Also Georgie inflicts her talentless art friend on Zamo on yet another trip to Vancouver and Technical Support Monkey refuses to get a pet liger to do tricks to entertain Iggy… like eating the neighbourhood crackheads… or Technical Support Monkey herself, whatever works.


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