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The Zamo the Destroyer Show #213

There’s a census in stupid frozen Canada this week and Zamo’s up in arms about not being counted when neither Georgie nor Technical Support Monkey will let Iggy fill out their census forms for them.

In other news, Technical Support Monkey just can’t seem to show any gratitude for the way Zamo improved her wardrobe by disposing of the clothes Jeff from Ojai doesn’t approve of.


The Zamo the Destroyer Show #211

This week, having had it with the humans not taking any action to move to Los Angeles so Iggy can live happily ever after in the sun, Zamo starts sending out Georgie’s resume to every LA job posting Ig can find. Sadly, the Taco Bell on South La Brea doesn’t seem too interested in Georgie’s skills.

Meanwhile, Technical Support Monkey seems to finally be wising up and is even learning Spanish… unfortunately, she keeps relying on dubious sources like Google Translate and her Spanish-English dictionary instead of trusting in Zamo’s tutelage. Bad monkey!


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