The Zamo the Destroyer Show #217
After taking the summer off to bask in the sun and raid the gardens, Zamo is back to making sure Technical Support Monkey doesn’t have enough spare time to work on her own projects instead of Iggy’s… like the web series that Chimpette insists doesn’t need Zamo to star in it (as Godzilla) to punch things up a little.
Even worse, Technical Support Monkey insists on getting a second opinion on all the Spanish vocabulary Zamo’s trying to teach her, and Georgie insists on watching the View and their anti-lizard propaganda.
The Zamo the Destroyer Show #216
Technical Support Monkey’s brother has returned from Mexico empty-handed, and it turns out that Chimpette never did give him the list of Zamo’s deadbeat cousins with outstanding debts for him to collect for Iggy.
On the plus side, he and Zamo come up with a plausible reason to build a giant flat-topped Aztec pyramid right here in the Cow Named Chan Valley… if only the local mayor would listen to reason and approve the project.