The Zamo the Destroyer Show

Comics and podcasts from the New Iguanacracy.

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #219

It’s been a frustrating week for Zamo. Not only has Technical Support Monkey refused to get an extended cable TV package, but she’s refusing to hand over the green alpaca wool scarf she’s knitting to add to Iggy’s collection of blankies.

Even worse, the Green Party reneged on their promise to make Zamo their candidate in the recent election and none of the humans are turning green from their recent bout of rabies shots.

And don’t get Ig started about the recent rains.

The Zamo the Destroyer Show #218

Zamo’s had it up to here with Technical Support Monkey’s continual refusal to own a TV, especially when Ig finds out her brother has a huge one sitting around unused, and Iggy invokes Squeaky Simon in the quest to make Technical Support Monkey comply.

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